
No title in particular

Hello world! First off; a big thank you to torchy! for his promo of my little blog. :-)...Then, welcome to my new followers Sethy (RSA), Micky (UK), Drew (somewhere in the middle of nowhere,USofA), and Joe Naturgesetz (USA). Feel yourself home on my blog.:-) Also welcome to Dodger and Exalen as commenters. :-) ...new post to follow later today. So long, tadah!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for Following It's Getting Better, any chance of a place or three on your Bloglist, pl? Helps the Visitors get around the place, yer know.

Oh un there's some beer in the fridge when you next pay me a visit - help yourself!

Drew said...

Hey Wisconsin's somewhere! It's not much but its home(for now).
