
Ewww, real human brain

Today we had to dismember a human brain from a head we got from La Salpétriere for reseach on Alzheimers. It was awful to hear a saw cutting off the headplate to open. I mean it was my first encouter w/a body part, that might play a key role in my future scientific life. Anyway, I didn´t vomit, another girl(whoelse) fainted briefly, but asked for what had been up w/this brain of approximately 80 yrs. old, I remembered what I was told on brain plaques. And this was a severe case. Turned out, it was an unannounced first test and I got like 98%. Looks, I can make my settings in time that way. :-) ...on a lighter note; thx you all who commented on my last post. Be sure, I´ll take care! Tadah Pilgrim


Anonymous said...

that's amazing - I saw some of that stuff at the Body Worlds exhibit but I gather it's probably different doing the work yourself

Mickle in NZ said...

And this is at PhD level? I guess I'd expected you to be more left free to research and develop. So just what speciality are your "doctorating" in, dear Pilgrim?

I do understand that all this is allowing you to gather more and more information towards your thesis. Still, you have me curious

Sincere and caring love and huggles, Michelle xxxxxxx

(and bestest wishes for rugby practice, what position/s do you usually play?)

Pilgrim said...

No, Michell, it´s both SC.D´s

Aek said...

Heh, we removed the brain of our cadaver on Wednesday. Bone dust is a distinctly unpleasant smell, and our brain was a bit too . . . squishy. o_O

And today, we move on to the eyes. >.>

Thiago said...

jaja tuviste que asistir a una trepanación, cari? jajaja que horror! Pero el Alzheimer deja alguna señal en el cerebro? No me acuerdo, jajaja. Bezos.

I love u. Kizes

Merche Pallarés said...

My dear PILGRIM, are you studying to be a Jesuit doctor? I want you to know that I've made my "vital testament" and I'm leaving my body to research so that medical students can saw my body, my brain and whatever, up and down in case they find something interesting... Who knows! Hugs, M.

¡THIAGO! ¿conoces a este maravilloso PILGRIM? Besotes, M.

y78ilm said...

As you said: Eww.
I'd definitely be the one fainting. Without any doubts!

Pilgrim said...

Merche, mainly for my own reason. But becoming a Jesuite is as important for me. Serving God and the humans.

Masa said...

ewwwwwwwww cant even read it 2 ugh

Merche Pallarés said...

My dear PILGRIM, I'm SO happy that you entered my blog. You seem to be a VERY SPECIAL person. Faithful to your ideals and, in this time and age, very courageous to keep up with them. Although I don't believe in any organized "religions", I very much admire those who "believe" and are ready to follow their "call". Congratulations! Much love and hugs, M.

Dave83201 said...

You ever have to use the bonesaw yourself?

Charlie said...

You're brave, I would've fainted for sure. I admire ppl who want to work in the medical profession, it sounds interesting but I know I couldn't do it. Glad your leg is better :) Rugby sounds fun.

Dean Grey said...


A human brain! Eeek!

Sounds gross yet scientifically fascinating at the same time!
