
Reminders of two days

First off I welcome Boy from Brisbane, Wat-so-eva and Ronnie as my new followers. :-) Bye Micky, who left recently. Well, Ste and his Grandpa joined me for a commemoration at the cemetary of St.André-d´l Eure/La Cambe to visit the grave of my granduncle, who fell later in august 1944 near Dieppe. After that we lunched together, then they had to leave for a meeting of the veterans of 4/7 RDG. Me is back home, after two days of commemorative things. Roomie is also back, so we will have a nice eve. Tomorrow I bring my laptop to a repairshop, since my Realplayer dos everything except playing. Oh, and for the EU-votes, here the Parti Socialiste won approximately :-) Tadah Pilgrim ...P.S. that was my tip too!


naturgesetz said...

A good commemoration. Some many gave so much at that time.

MartininBroda said...

I wouldn’t have expected your sympathy goes to the Socialist Party. Always surprising in different ways.

Benji said...

sorry for my "absence" these days :p
i'll speak about u in my next post , i should post it today ^^ just a few sentence, but i'll make a post for you soon :D
See ya Pil !!!