

For those, who are interested, there is either Cornelius Ryan´s "The longest Day" or in german Paul Carell´s "Der laengste Tag, as well as the memoirs of an RAF-officer Ryan Brown, who was in the bomber, that killed Glenn Miller!


Anonymous said...

Like, from the Glenn Miller orchestra?

Anonymous said...


You left such a horrible and rude message without explanation on IGB. That's the reason I didn't want you around my blogs. Your recent comments on people's blogs have been a lot nicer.

What did I do to deserve what you wrote?

Pilgrim said...

Micky, the enghlish cuisine is relly not known as the best in the world! :-)

Pilgrim said...

And btw., it´s not me, who ridicules himself! :-)

Anonymous said...

There is a possibly relevant video on It's Getting Better just now. You may find a familiar phrase in it and perhaps you could listen to the message it makes at one point in particular and understand why I found it difficult when that sort of language was used against me.