
Preparing our national holiday

So, with several shopping bags we went itno the local Tesco. I gathered some odd loks by other customers when they peaked at our Lauren, Abercromie or my Gf.s Gucci labels.*lol* We went there to get the neccassary food stuff to prepare tomorrow as it is the belgian national holiday, as well as drinks, some champaign, Stella Artois(belgian beer) etc. Ste stays till wednesday so he parties w/us. Btw., how many cigarrettes can one take from England to Germland? Any idea? We only travel EU, but you rather reread the post about Rafiq´s probs at the "british"-irish border. So long, we go to Jaimie Olivers restaurant for dinner tonite, my Bro knows him and made an appiontment for all of us, kind of pay back to Oli, our keeper til we depart. Tadah Pilgrim...p.s., Gomad, I was only the one from Bray undie thief missing, and stocked up to four now. :-)...pp.ss., for those who read /looked on KissTony´s blog that one got nuked this morning CET! Fyi...and please some more comments!


Anonymous said...


This site says it's 800 fags, but when I was travelling back from Spain recently, I think it said you can then bring like 1200 into the UK. Unfortunately I couldn't really buy any in duty free with my Mum and Stepdad :(.

Pilgrim said...

Thx, Sammi, you might be right, from Ibiza it´s 1´200 for BFG and NAAFI members. Oh, I would love to at least comment you, but in your comment scheme I can´t do so. Thx in advance.

naturgesetz said...

Happy Belgium Day!

(some fascinating pictures)
(good singer)

and see

Of course, you know all this, Pilgrim. This is for the benefit of whoever reads the blog. I think I'll copy it to my music blog as well.

naturgesetz said...

BTW why not Chimay or Affligem?

And why did the Flemings go with the Walloons rather than the Dutch in 1830? Was it on religious grounds?

Mr. Urs said...

Will you get decent frites in London?

torchy! said...

very envious of you having dinner at Jamie Oliver's restaurant. hope you had a good time.
