
Tropical night

Phew,what a night! 26C indoors, 22C outside. We have 3 ventilators running, but it was too much of too bad sleep. Anyway, around noon CET I get my laptop back, not new, but improved. I must admit, it's easier to txt on a celly-keyboard. :-) later this afternoon we go to Dublin, eventually. Should be cooler by any means! :-D That's it for now. Laters Pilgrim


Mickle in NZ said...

Have fun in Dublin. If you're lucky it will rain there too!

Huggles from Mickle (who is 1/4 Irish), xxxx and purrrrumbles from Zebbycat

naturgesetz said...

26 is a bit warmish, especially if it's humid. One has to have as little covering as possible.

I hope you'll enjoy Ireland and have lots to tell us about what you see and do.

jay.osa said...

have fun in Ireland!take pics!

Pilgrim said...

Thx to y'all! Eh Jay,I ain't no Torchy! :-)

Anonymous said...

I have a friend that lives close to Dublin, in fact she works there. If I'd known I may have suggested that the two of you meet, she's a really fun person. She used to date a housemate of mine in the states. For years they would fly across the Atlantic to spend time together with each other for a month or so. In fact I still have several items at her house still. I even dated her brother while he was visiting the states the first time. Wonderful man he is. Have a blast! If you get a chance be sure to visit Giants causeway, it's an incredible bit of God's art.

Seth said...

i think this summer is going to be a SCORCHER :(