
Ultima dia!

So sad, to leave this beautiful island manana, but I´ve gotta to conue my masters. Sam was the nicety in person today, giving me a ride to San Antonio, which is pretty dead in the begin of the season here, no Café del Mar, nada exept some nice beaches. ´kay, got some tan, but nothing, I couldn´t get in Paris. The younger ladies are really nice to look at, so are the boys. So what?! I got a Gf., a crush(Sam), and the world! :-))) Anyone to tell me, why not to leave? Flights are cheap, my uncle provides me a loctaion, eating for free at his restaurant. What more do I need? Maybe this is a bit self centered, but hey!, who´s not at times? Sorry for ranting, but whose life is it. Have all a nice sunday´s eve! Tadah, Pilgrim


Sethy said...

You make me smile.....

Anonymous said...

Won't stop you blogging if you go.

Wot's keepin' you then? (he he)

I bet you I'd go, if I were in your shoes.

About Me said...

Sounds like a great setup